Outsourced HR director

  • Turnkey team selection
  • Implementation of HR regulations and processes
  • Personnel assessment and implementation of KPI systems
  • Development of HR brand and corporate culture
  • Executive coaching for TOP - managers
  • Business Process Consulting
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Outsourced HR director

  • Turnkey team selection
  • Implementation of HR regulations and processes
  • Personnel assessment and implementation of KPI systems
  • Development of HR brand and corporate culture
  • Executive coaching for TOP - managers
  • Business Process Consulting
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About me

Iya Khukhuni

Member of the Association of Business Psychologists (Russia), Master of Business Psychology, certified ICF business coach.

I have 16 years of experience in the HR industry. I have worked my way up from a recruitment specialist to an HR director. I have experience in various business areas: food production, pharmaceuticals, medicine, construction, online products, IT.

HSE University -psychology in business;
Russian State University of Trade and Economics - personnel management;
University of Westminster - organizational effectiveness;
МАК - coaching in organization and business.

About me

Iya Khukhuni
Member of the Association of Business Psychologists (Russia), Master of Business Psychology, certified ICF business coach.

I have 16 years of experience in the HR industry. I have worked my way up from a recruitment specialist to an HR director. I have experience in various business areas: food production, pharmaceuticals, medicine, construction, online products, IT.

HSE University -psychology in business;
Russian State University of Trade and Economics - personnel management;
University of Westminster - organizational effectiveness;
МАК - coaching in organization and business.
Why do you need an HR director?
  • If you are tired of manual management of the company and want to get out of the operating system.
  • If you want to reduce staff turnover and are committed to developing employees within the company.
  • If you want to build an effective and well-coordinated team.
  • If newcomers take a long time to get into a position and do not produce results.
  • If employees not drive and focus on results, they work without initiative.
  • If employees don't want to take responsibility for the result without your constant supervision.
Who needs an hr director?
Business owners
Aspiring entrepreneurs
TOP-managers of companies
  • Personnel assessment and implementation of KPI systems

    Development of a personnel assessment system: development of personnel assessment systems for each specific position.

    Conducting personnel assessment: conducting testing, conducting case interviews, conducting Assessment-center.

    Assessment of the current motivation system: conducting an audit of KPI systems, interviews with department heads to identify “problem” areas.

    Development of a KPI system: definition of metrics, digitization of indicators, reduction to a table-"calculator".

    Implementation of non-material incentive systems: assessment of the current system and implementation from scratch or adjustment.
  • Turnkey HR department development

    • Hiring and induction of HR department employees

    • Transfer of regulations and implementation of HR processes in the work of the department

    • Development of KPIs and other metrics to evaluate the performance of HR department employees

    • Formation and implementation of roadmaps, career plans, reporting systems for HR department employees

  • Implementation of HR regulations and processes

    Development of regulations for all HR processes and implementation into the work of your company: study and evaluation of current processes, development of HR processes from scratch or optimization of existing ones, explanation to employees for effective implementation.

  • Turnkey team selection

    Creation of the organizational structure of the department/company: organizational chart, job descriptions, departmental communication systems
    Selection of candidates for open positions: vacancies middle and top - management.
    Implementation of systems for adaptation of newcomers: welcome training, induction plan, mentoring system, career plan.
  • Development of HR brand and corporate culture
    Internal HR brand: assessment of current employee satisfaction, development of activities aimed at increasing employee engagement, organization and holding of corporate events, development of incentive systems.

    External HR brand: increasing recognition and attractiveness of the company: collaborations with universities to attract students, participation in thematic exhibitions and conferences, holding open events for recruiting personnel.

    Corporate culture: writing down the goals, values ​​and mission of the company, conveying them to the company's employees through events, corporate attributes - introducing corporate culture at different levels.
  • Business Process Consulting

    • Team and roles in the team. What roles are there and how to assemble an effective, well-coordinated team.

    • How to choose an effective management style. What are the management styles? What is an effective employee like? And how can we ensure that there is always a line of candidates for open positions in the company?

    • Business Scaling Tools

  • Executive coaching for managers

    Forming personal goals and goals for your business: working towards achieving these goals.

    Examples of requests that can be worked with in a coaching format:
    • stuck in the operating system (fear of losing control)
    • fear of losing "star employees" and as a result you start to follow their lead
    • processes are not debugged and the business does not work without you
    • fear of delegation
    • business has ceased to inspire
  • Education, trainings
    Conducting training on request

Working experience with companies
Do you have any questions?
Write to me
Experience in numbers
  • 16
    16 years of experience in human resource management
  • 1 000
    Trained more than 1,000 managers in methods of building an effective team
  • 100
    Formed more than 100 departments
  • 300
    Conducted over 300 hours of training and coaching sessions

Personal achievements

  • Interview Special Magazine
  • International HR festival
    Conduct master classes for the master's program "Psychology in Business", organized by the Higher School of Economics in 2024 Photo report
  • International scientific and practical conference "Business psychology: theory and practice"
    Participation as a speaker at an international conference organized by the Association of Business Psychologists with the support of the Higher School of Economics
I adhere to the principle of “thinking outside the box.” Yes, even in business.

I believe that each organization is a separate organism that requires an individual approach. And each employee within the organization is a unique specialist who needs quality management and understands his team role. This approach is only possible with established processes, in other words, when the manager does not deal with the operating system, but works on the strategy and the team.

It is the team, which is characterized by collective and mutual responsibility for the results of joint activities, that is the key to the success of any business. And it makes no difference whether the company has 10 employees or 10,000.
Iya Khukhuni


Backstage work

Team building training
Master class for the master's program "Psychology in Business" of the Higher School of Economics

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